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Sydney Inner West Baby Photography - 8 Month Old Daniel

Introducing 8 month old baby Daniel. You might remember Daniel who came to visit me in my Sydney Inner West photo studio with his lovely Mum for his newborn photos at the end of last year. Well – he’s back! And my gosh hasn’t he grown. He’s at the perfect age to capture his sweet personality and smiles. A lot of people ask me when is the best time for baby photos after the newborn period (first 2 weeks) ends. The easy answer is when your baby is able to sit up independently. This milestone will be reached at different times depending on your baby, but for most babies it will be at around the 6 to 9 month of age mark.

Here in my Inner West baby photography studio I have a relaxed environment set up where I can capture your baby’s little personality. I use natural light and as you’ll see, my style is for more natural images, neutral colours and even nude pics which I think are just the cutest.

Here are a few of my favourite images from baby Daniel’s photo shoot:

If you’d like to find out more about my baby photography, please get in touch. Older baby sessions usually last about 30 – 45 minutes and are run from my Balmain studio (in the Sydney Inner West). Pop me an email to find out more. I’d love to hear from you.

All the best!

Amy xx


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